The school was built in 1925 and stands well back from Badsley Moor Lane itself.
Originally built and run as a Infant and Junior school, our school now comprises nine Infant classrooms and a large hall. We are located on the same campus are the Arnold Centre (Nursery) and Badsley Moor Junior School and typically a child's progression is through these three schools.
An extension block of classrooms joins the Infant and Junior school. This block comprises of 1 infant classroom and 5 junior classrooms.
The school has two playgrounds within the Badsley Moor campus, found to the front and the rear of the main Infant buildings. There is also a shared field area for both schools.
Our school dining hall is situated in a separate building on campus and is again shared with the Junior School.The school Council have renamed our dining hall 'The Munch Bunch Cafe' .
We have worked very closely with GroundWorks Dearne Valley to design and develop a wildlife garden to the front of the school. The children were instrumental in planning the garden as well as designing the art work that is displayed in it. Children now use this garden to enhance their learning in many curriculum areas. As part of our enrichment afternoons some children have been maintaining the garden and planting vegetables and plants. Our creative Partner Artist regulary use this area as a stimulus to begin topics and projects.
We take a great pride in our school environment and in 2007 had all the classrooms decorated and fully carpeted with lower ceilings and vertical blinds.
Our School Council worked together to choose suitable playground markings, the cost of which was mostly met through money raised at our school fairs. The children really enjoy playing in these areas and they have outdoor toys and activity bags to use at playtime to make it more enjoyable.